Love to Forgive
Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson

Love to Forgive

Through forgiveness, Love is found.

Through Love, forgiveness is found.

Empty of all things, you are the source of both.

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Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson


I cannot turn this awareness off. I cannot push it, pull it, eat it, burn it, tickle it, change it, frighten it, surprise it, cut it, turn up before it, arrive after it, seduce it, cover it in marmalade, drop it, pick it up, fall over it, slap it with a banana, hurry it along, measure it, define it, fold it, hold it or roll it down a hill. I can do nothing with it, but nothing happens without it.

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Have we met before?
Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson

Have we met before?

You are Everybody and Everything at all times, even in that state where time neither inhales nor exhales.

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Call off the search.
Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson

Call off the search.

Has anything changed in my life? No. I'm still the same asshole I ever was. But now I'm an asshole who is also the sun and the moon and the rain and the sound of dogs barking and paper rustling.

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Karma and the individual
Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson

Karma and the individual

In my humble experience, it can be said that karma is the definition of the individual. Once the head drops into the heart, and you step out of the individual experience, even for a moment, you see there is no individual, so there is no karma.

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How many parts make a whole?
Paul Donaldson Paul Donaldson

How many parts make a whole?

Your mind is dividing you into many parts or identities. One identity is called 'I'm not sure'. Another is 'my difficulty.' There is also the identity which 'knows my difficulty'. On top of these, you say, 'another part of my ego.' How many parts of you are there? I understand this way of thinking, but it will pass. Each of these identities is a thought. All thoughts come and go. The mind is making a commentary to keep you standing at the crossroads, wondering which way to go.

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