Have we met before?

In my experience, there is reincarnation for those who believe in it. For them, it is true, but this is the mind. The mind is a storyteller. It will tell a story and provide the evidence. However, the evidence is also just another story.

When we meet people and feel we know them instantly, this can be taken as evidence of a previous life and association. In my experience, there is only One on this side of manifestation and none on the other. We naturally feel we know a fellow traveller when we meet them because we are meeting ourselves, and no other. The One meets the One. One Existence looks at itself through billions of eyes. Humans, birds, insects, Everything is a manifestation of this one life. There are not billions of lives any more than there are billions of waves on billions of Water. There is only one Water, no matter how many waves arise. When the wave falls, it does not come back as another wave. That wave has gone, but that which it came from is complete. It is not missing a wave. It does not gain anything from the emergence of another wave halfway across the world.

There is no ‘other’

All life is the manifestation of the experience of being you.

Life does not belong to the individual experience. The wave is not separate other than in appearance. The wave is a flowing manifestation of time and space, which is continuously changing. No instant of its existence is the same as the next. Each instant is an entirely new wave, no matter how it appears. Each moment is like a new bead on a string. The only consistent element is you, should you be observing it. That Silent, unchanging you that existed before the form you have assumed now is like the string holding all the beads together. Your true Self holds each moment together, giving it the illusion of time passing and things happening.

The idea of reincarnation is also fed by the idea that this life is mine, and I shall have another one, surely. This is the wave, thinking it is THE wave, and it will return as THE wave at some point in the future.

This is the wave, not realising it is Water. Realisation for the wave would be the simple acceptance of its natural state, of what it is rather than what it briefly looks like. This idea of being attached to one particular form, lifetime or wave is fed by fear, and that fear belongs to the mind. The mind can not exist without time and space. The mind is a wave, or series of waves, which disappears in stillness. The mind craves continuation and creates drama, gods, and signs and reasons why you (it) will not disappear. The mind, however, is not you. It is not aware of you, but you are aware of it. It gets its appearance of life from you, but you do not get your life from it. You still exist in Silence and peace, but it cannot. Even in a deep sleep, when the definitions the mind has of you and this assumed reality have subsided, you still exist. You could say this is the space between two breaths.

The question is, who is this you?

Whichever method of inquiry is used, the realisation will be that there is no separate being. What is the point of reincarnation for a person who has realised his ‘personhood’ was just a dream within a dream? All life is the manifestation of the experience of being you.

When the mind becomes still, although, for many, a better word might be ‘clear,’ it becomes transparent like water, no longer stirring up the sediment into patterns. It no longer entertains as much with tales of the past or the future. One can see that the past and future are illusions, mere stories, and all that exists is only present through your Presence.

Who died if there is no past except a memory of it, and all memories are stories by which we taste our existence.

Death and reincarnation belong to the mind.

The mind belongs to you.

And you are nobody.

You are also Everybody and Everything at all times, even in that state where time neither inhales nor exhales.




Call off the search.