How many parts make a whole?

The mind divides you into many parts or identities. One identity may be called ‘anger’. Another is 'English'. There is also the identity which 'knows my identity.’ On top of these are many other identities from gender to spiritual belief.' How many parts of you are there?

Each of these identities is a thought. All thoughts come and go. The mind is making a commentary to keep you standing at the crossroads, wondering which way to go. There is no direction for you to go. You are already home.

While you are looking at and listening to these thoughts, perhaps consider this. If you had a thousand parts or identities, then they must fit into something. Something must have room to accommodate all of these parts and all of these thoughts about them. Ten thousand thoughts and identities must fit someplace. This limitlessness, this 'space' is you, not the things which briefly occupy it.

Thoughts come and go. You are not the commentary ‘in’ your mind which constantly changes. You are that which does not change but is aware that everything else is in a state of change. This is why it is so useful to sit and listen to your inner silence. Sound arises out of silence, but silence itself is unchanging. It gives the fragrance of what you seek.

Before you have any of these thoughts which cast doubt and confusion, know that you step out of your true self to express the doubt and confusion about your true self. And then, when you are once again silent, there you are, back in the heart of reality.

Look for where you begin

I suggest it is an error to feel like you cannot find your true self or you do not know what it is. It is more helpful to know you cannot escape from your true self as it is your starting point, your ending point, and everything in between.

Paul Donaldson

You are not at the beginning of this journey. Where can you travel to and find that you are not already present? There is nowhere to go other than where you already are. Nothing to become other than what you are. It is the mind that moves and catches your eye and draws your attention to the past or the future.

Doubt and confusion belong to the mind, but the mind does not know you. You may listen to it, but it will not tell you what you are. How can it? It is within you, but you are not within it. It will not show you the way as it cannot exist in the utter Peace and Silence of you, which is why it will distract you.

Be sincere in your longing. The mind has no power over that. Your longing will take you home and clear your vision. The mind will merely delay or entertain but will not stop you.


Karma and the individual